Thursday, June 14, 2007

Jewel Cave * Crazy Horse * Rushmore * Devil’s Tower

If you’re thinking that’s too much for one day you're right. But we did it anyway.

Will’s brother George set today’s agenda which began with a 9 a.m. tour of Jewel Cave. The Cave was misnamed by those who discovered it and overestimated the worth of its contents by just about 100 percent. Nothing really valuable inside. At least not in terms of money. No pics worth sharing because… well.. it’s a cave. It’s dark. Not many photos came out well.

Visiting Crazy Horse was very satisfying. I didn’t really know the whole story until we were heading out here and it’s way too much for a blog entry, but I was most excited to learn the artist was Polish, and the entire venture is non-profit and non-government (learn more here). We also were there for a blast, and met the sculptor’s wife who now runs the whole operation with seven of her ten (!!) children.

I’ve always wanted to see Mt. Rushmore. And now I have. We showed up at an inopportune time for photos, with the sun at just the wrong angle. Oh well.

Devil’s Tower is poorly named. It is a sacred and spiritual place to Native Americans and maybe it was because we came here at the end of the day and nearly had the place to ourselves, or because the wind was blowing just enough to make that great swooshing noise in the trees, or because we got to see the sun set on the tower, but it is a place much closer to God than the devil, I am sure.

Tonight we have the most fantastic little cabin at a KOA just outside the park. I can see Devil’s Tower out our cabin door as I type this. Sadly, I have no idea when I will be able to post… no wifi last night or tonight. Bummer.

It's the solididified core of an old volcano.

Native American Prayer Bundle hung on tree near tower.

Thistle (always reminds me of my Grandma Dicton, because of her dishes).